About me

I was born in 1964 on Kibbutz Gvar-Am, Israel. I have been living in England for the last 19 years and working as a kindergarten teacher in North London.
I work mainly on found objects, I feel they have a soul. They have faults and they talk to me. I can see things in them that reflect what I feel and what I believe and I like to think that they want themselves to be painted!
I like to use recycled objects because our world is so full of crap that it’s nice to use what we have and not just make more and more without thinking of the consequences.
I think my paintings look a bit childish but they are telling little stories of what I feel inside. I like that they are accessible and that adults and children can make their own stories from them and hopefully allow them to feel something. That’s what I feel art is about I suppose. I don’t want them to be just an aesthetic experience.
These paintings are my way of expressing where I’m from and documenting my journey. I think of it as folk art, I see my Kibbutz roots alive in the work, but the Kibbutz as it was when I was growing up as opposed to what it has become. In many ways this work is about my longing.
You can contact me via my email address at [email protected]
Or keep up with my latest work on instagram